Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 8, 2017

On the amplifiction of sound (acoustic phonons) by absorption of laser radiation in cylindrical quantum wires with parabolic potential in the presence of magnetic field

Authors: Nguyen, Quoc Hung
Nguyen, Quang Bau
Keywords: amplifiction of sound;acoustic phonons;laser radiation;cylindrical quantum wires;parabolic potential;magnetic field
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: H. : ĐHQGHN
Series/Report no.: Vol. 18;No. 3 (2002)
Abstract: Based on the quantum kinetic equation for phonon, the amplification of sound (acoustic phonons) due to the absorption of laser radiation in cylindrical quantum wires with parabolic potential in the presence of m agnetic field is studied. Analytical expressions for the rate of acoustic phonons excitations, the conditions for the amplification of sound and the momentum conditions for electron to participate in the amplification of sound are obtained for the two cases: singlephoton absorption process and multiphoton absorption process. The differences between the two cases of singlephoton absorption and m ultiphoton absorption are discussed; the numerical computations and plots are carried out for a GaAs/GaAsAl quantum wire. The results are compared with bulk semiconductors and quantum wells.
Description: p. 10-16
ISSN: 2588-1124
Appears in Collections:Mathematics and Physics

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